1414 total results in All Counties
Neighborhood Health Association - Administration Office
313 Jefferson Ave.
Toledo, OH 43604
Neighborhood Health Association.
Offers supportive housing for persons with severe mental illness.
NeighborWorks Toledo Region /Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo Inc.
704 Second St
Toledo, OH 43605
Home Weatherization Assistance Programs
Nestle HealthCare Nutrition Patient Assistance Program
Patient assistance program for Nestle nutrition products.
NetWellness website is a global community service providing quality, unbiased health information from its partner university faculty.
Affordable Apartments for Individuals and Families
Substance abuse treatment, court ordered programs, and counseling services for people from every walk of life.
Food pantry and other community services for Erie County residents.
Distributes vouchers for eye glasses.
Provide housing assistance to mental health individuals.
2-4 Bedroom Single Family Houses
NHA - Nexus Health Care Center/Mildred Bayer Clinic for the Homeless
1415 Jefferson Ave.
Toledo, OH 43604
Provides health care services.
NHA community health centers accept most insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare. Health care assistance on a sliding fee scale is available for those who are underinsured or uninsured