Give the gift of independence.
The need is great.
Many seniors in Northwest Ohio are struggling to remain independent; simple tasks required for daily living – meals, transportation, medical care, personal grooming, grocery shopping, and much more – can be difficult at times for people aged 60 and over. These seniors are your grandparents, parents, friends, and neighbors. Keeping your loved ones safe and living independently at home begins with you.
Make a tax-deductible donation today.
Your gift helps the Northwest Ohio Area Office on Aging
Foundation fund the most critical needs among seniors in our 10-county
service area. Our commitment is to support programs and services that
help older adults maintain their independence and support the work of
the Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio. Your gift today will make an
important difference in a local senior’s life.
Donate below or mail your gift to:
Northwest Ohio Area Office on Aging Foundation
2155 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43609
Questions? Call 419-382-0624
About the Foundation
Northwest Ohio Area Office on Aging Foundation
Founded in 2010, the Northwest Ohio Area Office on Aging Foundation
serves as the solid bedrock for the Area Office on Aging of Northwest
Ohio (AOoA) raising funds to support its’ programs, services, operating
and capital needs.
Foundation Mission
Our mission is to support the Area Office on Aging in keeping loved ones, family members, friends, and neighbors over the age of 60 as well as those with disabilities at any age living independently and thriving in their own homes as long as possible.
We envision community resources that allow people to thrive from age 60 to 160! The Area Office on Aging Foundation views aging as simply the next chapter in a fulfilling life – one filled with new journeys, bold opportunities, and comprehensive resources for older adults at every age and stage. Our goal is to create inclusive and welcoming communities where lives are transformed and enriched, and age is only a number.
The Billie Johnson Legacy Society
Giving older adults hope for a bright future.
Give to the Legacy SocietyArea Office on Aging
of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
The Area Office on Aging provides you and your loved ones with the quality services that allow you to be as independent as possible; empowering you to live your life to the fullest.
The Area Office on Aging2155 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43609