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1415 total results in All Counties

Lucas County Children Services

(419) 213-2273

705 Adams
Toledo, OH 43604

Mandated by law to investigate allegation of abuse or neglect against children.

Lucas County Emergency Medical Service - EMS

(419) 213-6510

2144 Monroe
Toledo, OH 43604

Emergency Ambulance

Lucas County Juvenile Court

(419) 213-6722

1801 Spielbusch
Toledo, OH 43604

Mediation available to resolve custody and visitation issues for parents not married.

Lucas County Veterans Service Commission

(419) 213-6090

2595 Arlington Ave 2nd Fl
Toledo, OH 43614

Helps VA benefits and temporary financial assistance.

Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority

(419) 259-9448

211 S. Byrne Rd.
Toledo, OH 43615

Rents and manages property for low income. May have waiting list. Apply online now at www.lucasmha-apply4housing.org

Lupus Foundation of America Inc.

(800) 558-0121

2121 K St NW Ste 200
Washington, DC 20037

Lupus Foundation website - information and online support regarding Lupus

Luther Home of Mercy

(419) 836-7741

5810 N. Main St.
Williston, OH 43468

DD Nursing Home and home-based service.

Lutheran Social Services - Eastern Region Fremont

(419) 334-3431

512 East State St.
Fremont, OH 43420

Provides family support and grief bereavement services.

Lutheran Social Services - Emergency Food Pantry

(419) 243-9178

2149 Collingwood Blvd.
Toledo, OH 43620

Provides emergency food pantry

Lutheran Social Services - Northwestern Ohio

(419) 243-9178

2149 Collingwood
Toledo, OH 43620

Provides senior services such as: counseling, nutrition.