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Ohio Department of Taxation

(800) 282-1780

PO Box 530
Columbus, OH 43216

Provides information and referral regarding income tax preparation or tax-related questions.

Ohio Dept. of Mental Health

(614) 466-2596

30 E. Broad Street, 8th floor
Columbus, OH 43215

Ohio Dept. of Mental Health

Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council

(614) 466-5205

899 E. Broad St., Suite 203
Columbus, OH 43205

Works to improve services for persons with developmental disabilities.

Ohio Domestic Violence Network

(614) 781-9651

1855 E Dublin Granville Rd., Suite 301
Columbus, OH 43229

Domestic Violence information, referral, and training services.

Ohio Drug Card

(419) 376-7674

100 Technecenter Dr., Suite 210
Milford, OH 45150

Prescription assistance program.

Ohio Funeral Directors Association

(614) 486-5339

2501 North Star Rd.
Columbus, OH 43221

Offers funeral planning and information.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA)

(614) 466-7970

57 East Main St.
Columbus, OH 43215

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) offers affordable housing opportunities and foreclosure prevention programs for Ohioans.

Ohio License Center

Ohio License Center website

Ohio Living Swan Creek

(419) 865-4445

5916 Cresthaven Lane
Toledo, Ohio 43614

55 + Retirement community.

Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline

(800) 324-8680

50 W. Town Street, Suite 400
Columbus, OH 43215

Information and referral line for the Ohio Medicaid program.