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Services Offered
Residential Tree Removal Service, Residential Tree Removal Maintenance Service, Emergency Energy Assistance Programs
Counties Served
Erie, Fulton, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, Sandusky, Williams, Wood, Defiance
Toledo Edison has a Tree Service they offer to "eligible" customers. Some of the exclusions may apply. A customer would call the Consumer Products Program through Toledo Edison and request 1 free estimate. Convenient payment plans available. Contact: 1-800-505-7283
Whether you have a small project – such as adding lighting fixtures, installing an attic fan or wiring a bathroom – or you need to upgrade your entire system, you can depend on us for professional, high-quality work at an affordable price. Experienced electrical technicians can handle your home’s electrical needs. Contact: 1-800-505-7283
You may be eligible to enroll in one of these payment assistance programs to help you get through your current financial hardship.
Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus) - 1-800-282-0880
The Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus) is an extended payment arrangement that allows regulated gas and electric companies to accept payments based on a percentage of a customer's household income. Eligible customers have a household income at or below 150% of the federal poverty level.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) - 1-800-633-4766
HEAP is a federally funded grant program administered by the State of Ohio Dept. of Development through a network of local community action agencies. HEAP provides customers help with paying winter heating bills, and occasionally summer cooling bills.
HEAP has two components:
1. HEAP Cash Program - Annual grant to help with heating costs.
2. HEAP Emergency Program - Provides an emergency payment (once per heating season) for qualified low-income customers. The payment must be used to avoid a shutoff or restore electric service. Application dates are October through April (Winter Crisis) and July through August (Summer Crisis).
Neighbors Helping Neighbors - Toledo Salvation Army - 419-241-3549
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is an emergency hardship fund designed to help residential customers who have suffered a recent financial hardship and need temporary help in paying their electric bill. Program funding is provided by Toledo Edison customers and company employees. The distribution of funds is administered by the Toledo Salvation Army.
Military Deferred Payment Program - 1-800-995-0095
This program is designed to assist customers who are having financial difficulties because their family members have been called to active military duty.
Ohio Fuel Fund Grant Program
The Ohio Fuel Fund Grant Program is designed to assist residential customers with the payment of their electric bill to maintain their service, or to assist in establishing service for new electric service applicants who have an unpaid bill from a previous residence.
Medical Needs Assistance
Contact us for information about the following programs:
The Critical Care Program identifies customers who use certain electrically operated life sustaining medical equipment in their home. The program helps customers - for whom a service interruption could be immediately life threatening, or would make operation of necessary medical or life supporting equipment impossible or impractical - prepare for planned and unplanned power outages.
Medical Certification - Customers with severe health problems may have a licensed physician certify in writing that a termination of electric service would be especially dangerous.
Area Office on Aging
of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
The Area Office on Aging provides you and your loved ones with the quality services that allow you to be as independent as possible; empowering you to live your life to the fullest.
The Area Office on Aging2155 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43609