Trio Community Meals
2120 Garden Lake Parkway
Toledo, OH 43614
Delivers meals to disabled, homebound and isolated older adults.
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
Donations $2.50
Services Offered
Home-Delivered Meals, Bus Passes, Consumer Action Information/Support, Dining Site
Counties Served
Valley Foods Senior Nutrition Program provides a home-style lunch meal Monday-Friday at various dining sites throughout Lucas County. The senior dining program provides an opportunity to enjoy a good meal with friends in a safe, friendly environment. Nutrition education, socialization and other activities are available at the dinning sites. For those with limited travel ability, a TARTA bus pass may be available to travel to and from the dining site. A list of dining sites can be found at
In addition, a daily (Monday-Friday) hot meal or once a week delivery of frozen meals may be delivered to home-bound individuals 60 years of age or older. The home-delivered meal service provides more than a meal. It also offers the opportunity for personal contact on delivery days with courteous people who care. Each home-delivered and congregate meal provides one-third the daily recommended key nutrients for individuals 60 years of age and over and includes low-sodium and diabetic-friendly options. A suggested donation is requested for the meal. However, all donations are kept confidential and no one is denied a meal for inability to contribute toward the cost of the meal. Donations allow us to serve more meals.
Area Office on Aging
of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.
The Area Office on Aging provides you and your loved ones with the quality services that allow you to be as independent as possible; empowering you to live your life to the fullest.
The Area Office on Aging2155 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43609